5 years of MoonSlayer III
September 8, 2016 5:04 pmWe’re back! This time with our favourite bodyguard, former marshal and dragon without honor: Kaeso Cetus Menkar!
Menkar is one of the characters who suffered more changes from the beginning.
These are two of the first sketches I did of him, inspired by Rome tv series Titus Pullo. I have more awful sketches. Just wait for my sketchbook XD
I adore this series.
But I also used for the early drawings references from Spartacus. Yes. =3 Because, you know, Andy was awesome. The perfect Menkar.
Later I decided that he would have long hair and beard (so barbarian!), and definitely he had to wear a different kind of clothes!
So he became this, with different face features, a good tunic and a wonderful wind sword!
And I’m so happy for that.
Tags: Anniversary, MenkarCategorised in: News