Syrma sketch + more book news!
January 23, 2017 1:19 pmHi everyone!
Today is no-update day again (sorry, exams!) But I’m working on the next 4 pages. Hmm… maybe I should do some sort of MS-bomb when I finish them?
Meanwhile, here you have a new Syrma sketch!
When I have time I like to try new materials and I always wanted to test this style with brown paper.
Note that I’m open to receive fanart for my non-updating weeks!
You’ll be featured on the latest comic page the whole week! 😀
MS Vol1 Color Proof!
Also I’ve received a color proof of the first volume. This makes me wonder how great it would look if I ever do a KS for MoonSlayer. Because I’d go fullcolor with it.
But for the moment I’ll stick with the B&W version. The grayscale pages look wonderful this way. And the color pages are ok! I have to investigate now the B&W + Special pages in color. I’ve found a printer with that option 😀
–Inserts some photo of the book here when the phone camera is repaired–
EDIT: Well, you got a video! Note: The book will not include the Ch5, this was only used as a test print! 😀
Tags: sketch, SyrmaCategorised in: News