VDSD 2020

February 14, 2020 11:00 am

Hello again! Another year, another time! Here we come again with VDSD!!

If you’re new here’s the deal:

To view this year’s image you must click on this banner and vote MoonSlayer at TopWebcomics. It’s easy and free! Also my patrons have it with the initial sketch! 😀

This year the picture is inspired by the famous Geralt x Yennefer bathtub scene from Netflix’s The Witcher. Why I’m always portraying these two bathing? Mistery unsolved…

And HERE are last year’s entries!

EDIT: Complete entry!

And here is the list with all the participants! Disclaimer, some sites have very heavy NSFW stuff! View at your own discretion!

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2020

MST3KFan – POW! Right in the Nostalgia | Lou Graziani – Cy-Boar | Bumblebee – Drive On | Darksh1ne – Monstroniverse Adventures | The Letter M – The Restless Dead | Jay042 – Kaza’s Mate Gwenna | The D-Wrek – Twenty Four Seven | Blue Dragon – Dark Horse | Montis Echo Boeher – Glitch | Gojiramon – CKarrus | Lightfoot – Pulse | Team Lady Valiant – Lady Valiant | Midnight – Danger Zone One | utzsar – Rocks | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai Poster Company | Ebenezer Splooge – Portcall Uranus | Ebenezer Splooge – PronQuest | Ebenezer Splooge – SFW Hentai | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai High School | Ebenezer Splooge – Mammazon | Stilldown – Ariane Eldar’s Personal Place | Stilldown – Theater Of The Bloody Tongue | Barry Linck – Phineus: Magician for Hire | Barry Linck – Phineus | Amy Letts – Epic Fail | Sheryl Schopfer – Sharpclaw | Sheryl Schopfer – Deer Me | Julie Devin – Monster Soup | J.E. Draft – The Challenges of Zona | Jaycee Knight – Bloomin’ Faeries | Peter Anckorn – By The Book | The Blood Teller – Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files | Microraptor – Cryptida | rulerbrain – Selling Smiles | Caley Tibbittz Collopy – SwordCat Knights | Andrew Hunter – Delve | Mark Egan – Bata Neart | Mark Egan – Back Office | Alli Perry – My Hero! | Marshall Reeves – Yesterday Bound | Dizzaster Juice – WhiteOut | Dizzaster Juice – Offworld: The Crease | Zach Vanzile – West Tree Academy of Heroes | Ben Bourbon – Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub | MonicaNG – MoonSlayer | John Harrington – Super Rivals | Lirvilas – Grinder$ | Lirvilas – Flyover Country | Arne Cooper – The Androssian Prophecy | Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana | yellowgerbil – Zoe the Vampire | Nick Greaves – The Great Isle of Prentil | Jacob Jones – Ayuri | Scott T. Hicken – Dark Reflections – Zen | Scott T. Hicken – Dark Reflections – Chaos | Scott T. Hicken – Exiern: Dark Reflections | Scott T. Hicken – Exiern | Stef Marcinkowski – Sarah Zero

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February 15, 2020 5:51 am

Actually, you can’t see any of the previous entries, because voting. Voting will only show the most recent vote-incentive-image.

Reply to  JuaSaysHi
February 16, 2020 10:24 pm

Actually all the images Are available in the gallery, and only the 2 past years were missing in the announcement posts. Fixed now. Al least you were able to see a pair of them before writing, isn’t it? Have a nice day.

Reply to  MonicaNG
February 29, 2020 12:07 am

Yay, thank you, I missed that, even though I did go back more than two years. I tried to see all of them. I did look around, thinking I must be missing something but obviously I didn’t look thoroughly enough. And I never even thought of the gallery? I didn’t. Sigh. Clearly I was blind. Anyway, thanks for pointing it out, I was never going to get it by myself.

Reply to  JuaSaysHi
February 29, 2020 2:28 am

And now that I’ve read your whole archive, and looked at all of your gallery, as well as the vdsd archive, I must add that I’m glad I commented (I almost didn’t), and you replied, or I would have missed it all! I’m especially grateful that you mentioned the gallery AND added the link, because the two different ways of seeing were two different kinds of good. I love your art and shall rss follow your comic, and I sure hope this year is way better for you than the last four.

Reply to  JuaSaysHi
March 2, 2020 9:38 pm

Thanks so much! The images were hidden from the blog unless you click the “read more” button since if not they could demonetize my site 😀
I’m so glad you like my art and hope to read you again in the next comic updates 😀

Reply to  MonicaNG
March 4, 2020 11:44 pm

You’re in my feedly now, so I should see it promptly. I’m often more of a lurker than a commenter, but I’ll try to speak up a little.

February 16, 2020 6:27 am

Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂