

Wait a moment… What’s wrong with Farian?

Why doesn’t she want to receive them?

Why does she send them to the dungeons?

Will there be more buns in the dungeons?

Leave your thoughts · October 12, 2020 10:00 am


Puck is enjoying his new life as a mortal by eating buns.

What are they filled with?

Do you know any recipes for sweet buns?

Leave your thoughts · October 5, 2020 10:00 am


Waiting is very boring.

It reminds me of when I go to the doctor and they have me sitting for hours in an uncomfortable chair while they consider whether or not I deserve to be seen.

At least here they have snacks, right?

1 Comment · September 28, 2020 10:00 am


And we see more of the city! It’s so hard of keeping it as simple as possible! But I’m trying! 😀

Leave your thoughts · September 21, 2020 10:00 am


And we return to Black and White (well, greyscale) and enter the Sidhe realm! This one is certainly inpired by ancient monoliths and celtic culture, when the fairies had to hide under the earth. When I wrote about this place for the first time, like 20 years ago, I was in love with the Silmarillion and the idea of fairies living in palaces underground.

Leave your thoughts · September 14, 2020 10:00 am


This page was supposed to be B&W. But I couldn’t resist! 😀

Here it comes the new chapter! Enjoy!

Leave your thoughts · September 7, 2020 10:00 am

#8 Invincible

We start a new chapter!

This chapter is a small calm before the storm. Will our heros be absorbed by the fairy realm and stay there forever?

Or it’s really another kind of trap?

Beware, readers!

Leave your thoughts · August 31, 2020 10:00 am


And here we come to the end of the story. What did you think?

What do you expect in the next chapter?
Are you ready to go back to black and white?

Leave your thoughts · August 24, 2020 10:00 am


This is my favorite page, the transformation of Alherani into what she is now.

I wanted it to look cruel but not too graphic because of the rating the anthology had. That’s why the blood looks like a long red ribbon.

Leave your thoughts · August 17, 2020 10:00 am


I tried to give to all the pages of this story some sort of tarot feeling, something static like the the court were the action takes place.

I do really like how scary Farian looks on this one!

Leave your thoughts · August 10, 2020 10:00 am