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A small update!

Hello everyone! Long time no see!

I’ve took the last months as holidays, since summer here is terrible for making comics both traditional and digital. I’m also quite well, since I found a new job quickly (and accepted that my previous one was toxic as hell) and after a proper mourning period I spent part of my “holidays” to raise a pair of chicks, my new helpers Bilbo and Willow! (you can follow their adventures in my personal Insta).

With helpers like these ones is hard to make comics, I have to say it.

I’ve also been working on some personal projects, novels and illustrated books that I plan to send to various publishers soon.

My idea was to resume the updates of MoonSlayer asap. My initial plan was to start this chapter in September, since this chapter happens in Autumn’s Equinox. But I started sketching the new chapter last week and I want to make something memorable with this chapter since is the end of Book Two. Also… I wanted to Kickstart the First Volume in October but with the current situation is almost impossible 🙁 I really need someone to help me with this because at this rythm I wont see this on paper… ever.

Anyway, I hope you’re well! Thanks so much for your kind words during this time. I hope summer ends soon!

Leave your thoughts · August 27, 2021 11:00 am

VDSD 2021

Hello again another year! This last one have been a ride, isn’t it?

Here we come again with VDSD!! I have been like 3 years waiting to do this painting? So now that we’re on this chapter it’s the best moment!

If you’re new here’s the deal:

To view this year’s image you must click on this banner and vote MoonSlayer at TopWebcomics. It’s easy and free! Also my patrons have it with the initial sketch! 

This year the picture is a mashup of one of Bouguereau’s Eros & Psyche paintings, featuring our favourite sapphic fairies: Farian and Alherani.

HERE you can see the previous years entries!

And here is the list with all the participants! Disclaimer, some sites have very heavy NSFW stuff! View at your own discretion!

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2021

Spinnerette – Spinnerette | Bumblebee – Drive On | Justin Pfeil – The Keep on the Borderlands | Jeromatic – Bunny Wiggins | Tom Reynolds – Genderbending Sex Comics With a Proper Story and Everything | Holly Laing – Terra | Centcomm – Datachasers | Lou Graziani – Cy-Boar | Darksh1ne – Monstroniverse Adventures | The Letter M – The Restless Dead | Blue Dragon – Dark Horse | Montis Echo Boeher – Glitch | Gojiramon – CKarrus | Lightfoot – Pulse | Team Lady Valiant – Lady Valiant | Midnight – Danger Zone One | utzsar – Rocks | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai Poster Company | Ebenezer Splooge – PronQuest | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai High | Stilldown – Ariane Eldar’s Personal Place | Stilldown – Theater Of The Bloody Tongue | Barry Linck – Phineus+ Magician for Hire | Barry Linck – Phineus: Teen Wizard | Amy Letts – Epic Fail | Sheryl Schopfer – Sharpclaw | Sheryl Schopfer – Deer Me | Julie Devin – Monster Soup | J.E. Draft – The Challenges of Zona | Jaycee Knight – Bloomin’ Faeries | Peter Anckorn – By The Book | The Blood Teller – Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files | Microraptor – Playground – A Cryptida Adventure  | Microraptor – Cryptida | rulerbrain – Selling Smiles | Caley Tibbittz Collopy – SwordCat Knights | Andrew Hunter – Delve | Mark Egan – Bata Neart | Mark Egan – Back Office | Marshall Reeves – Yesterday Bound | Dizzaster Juice – WhiteOut | Dizzaster Juice – Offworld: The Crease | Zach Vanzile – West Tree Academy of Heroes | Ben Bourbon – Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub | MonicaNG – MoonSlayer | John Harrington – Super Rivals | Lirvilas – Grinder$ | Arne Cooper – The Androssian Prophecy | Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana | yellowgerbil – Shippon Girls | yellowgerbil – Zoe the Vampire | Nick Greaves – The Great Isle of Prentil | JHL Jones – Ayuri | The Exiern Team – Exiern Extras | The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Zen | The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Chaos | The Exiern Team – Exiern: Dark Reflections | The Exiern Team – Exiern | Stef Marcinkowski – Sarah Zero

Leave your thoughts · February 14, 2021 12:40 am

MoonSlayer colouring book has arrived!

MoonSlayer - Coloring Book

The first MoonSlayer coloring book arrived! Featuring more than 40 original linearts extracted from the comic pages and illustrations.

Epic and tender scenes, dragons, fairies, elves and gods!
Even if you don’t like coloring books, this is a great ink illustration artbook of the comic to collect 🙂

The illustrations are printed on one side only for easy removal and display, or use in your personal projects.

This coloring book is, like the comic, +16. The linearts are intended for practising shading and elaborate techniques, with the right amount of detail.

I colored them before, now it’s your turn!!

Leave your thoughts · December 27, 2020 1:24 pm

The site got a small renewal

Following my plan of renewing the layout of the website, I made some changes to the layout (to make it more mobile friendly) and deleted the intro page. This way the news section will remain more visible and the navigation will be easier.

I also have been eliminating unused plugins to keep it as simple as possible. Since the comic plugin is no longer updating I’m looking for other alternatives, but at the moment it works, so… good!

I also added some missing fanarts and illustrations to the galleries, that got a small refresh too!

Leave your thoughts · August 24, 2020 11:00 am

See you soon!

Sorry for the interruption, but Summer is back, my buffer ran out, I’m still polishing this chapter script to make it amazing as it deserves, and I’m still adapting to our new home.

Tendinits is back, I’m still not comfortable working in front of a computer again, my Wacom is overheating, my Huion is meh and I have no money to replace them.

This comic is having less and less visitors (due a lot of really bad decisions I made for better marketing it), I’m more and more unhappy with my art.

And I need to rest.

So, under these circumstances and more (damn, I continued updating during the pandemic, and even recovering from peritonitis surgery) I think I deserve some holidays.

See you back after the hot summer is gone.

If you are a new reader: no, this comic is not dead, and you have a HUGE archive to binge!

Happy Solstice!

You can continue supporting my projects on Patreon, Instagram, Twitter (the support section) and in the links on the right.

I want to finish some projects I left behind and close some open wounds before continue this.

And renew the site aswell!

Leave your thoughts · June 22, 2020 12:00 pm

Some improvements

This week we have no page. The next ones are full of new characters and details, and inking those are being painfully slow. Good news: this week I have free afternoons!

I’ve been making some improvements to the website. I changed the plugin that managed the custom content and recoded the whole website to make it more simple. I cleaned and deleted old data from unused pages. Same with other sections as the Library. Some of these changes are subtle and the looks are very similar, but they have a lot of work in the backend part 😀

Anyway, less talk and more work! See you soon with the new pages! Guess what/who are these eyes?!

1 Comment · February 24, 2020 12:00 am

VDSD 2020

Hello again! Another year, another time! Here we come again with VDSD!!

If you’re new here’s the deal:

To view this year’s image you must click on this banner and vote MoonSlayer at TopWebcomics. It’s easy and free! Also my patrons have it with the initial sketch! 😀

This year the picture is inspired by the famous Geralt x Yennefer bathtub scene from Netflix’s The Witcher. Why I’m always portraying these two bathing? Mistery unsolved…

And HERE are last year’s entries!

EDIT: Complete entry!

Read more…
7 Comments · February 14, 2020 11:00 am

We’re moving!

Hi everyone! I’m moving to a new house (and a dedicated studio!) and we’ll have a small hiatus until this process is finally done! 😀

I’m inking the following pages meanwhile and I’ll post some updates on my Patreon page!

Leave your thoughts · November 11, 2019 12:00 pm

Interlude – Summer Memories

Second interlude for my well deserved Holidays. We return in September with the chapter 7!

Alherani and Farian - Beachzine 2018

This is like a detail scene of the previous illustration, with Henna and Farian! How cute they look! Our lovely witch is totally an influencer.

Leave your thoughts · August 26, 2019 12:00 pm

Holidays! Interlude

Hi! No new page today. I decide to take some holidays and prepare the new pages while I fight against the heat.

But we have a new summer illustration! Yay!

MoonSlayer - Beachzine 2018

I did this one for Comicadia’s Summer fanzine last year. So, perfect for the occasion!

Menkar is applying some immortality formula on Syrma’s skin.

Protect your skin!! Always!!

How cute they are together! Can you recognize all the characters?

Leave your thoughts · August 19, 2019 12:00 pm