Here is the illustration I made for My Hero! comic, with the epic fight of Menkar vs The Lark.
Hassera and Syrma are enjoying the read! And here’s a hidden detail in exclusive =P (No, really, I was upset for covering this XD)

· February 20, 2017 4:40 pm
New fanart of Syrma by Alli Perry from Out of My Element!

And… a new cameo in What it Takes, by KEZ. Oh, don’t try to find any MS character because… it’s me. XD
Next page, tomorrow! (It’s available in advance for my Patrons) See you! =D
· February 20, 2016 4:01 pm
This week I will not update the comic. I have some health problems related to my eyes and I don’t want to force the machine, sorry. 🙁
I have pre-released the first extra chapter in my shop. It’s called “Her Last Will” and tells the last moments of the Queen Iris (yes the creator of Iric and those cute abominations). My $5+ patrons will enjoy the pages every week. Then the full .pdf will be released to everyone for a small $2+ donation. You can preorder it now.

Also, Menkar and Syrma appear in one of the latest pages of Castoff, one of the newest members of SpiderForest.

SpiderForest opens the new application season February 1st. It’s an amazing collective, check it out!

· January 12, 2016 1:07 am
Heather (dream*scar) is drawing delicious cameos with characters from SF members. You can see them in the background of the current chapter.
This week you can find Menkar and Syrma hidden in one of the panels. Awesome, isn’t it?
Now, go and read her comic! =)

· September 23, 2015 10:38 pm