

And we see more of the city! It’s so hard of keeping it as simple as possible! But I’m trying! 😀

Leave your thoughts · September 21, 2020 10:00 am


And we return to Black and White (well, greyscale) and enter the Sidhe realm! This one is certainly inpired by ancient monoliths and celtic culture, when the fairies had to hide under the earth. When I wrote about this place for the first time, like 20 years ago, I was in love with the Silmarillion and the idea of fairies living in palaces underground.

Leave your thoughts · September 14, 2020 10:00 am


And that’s the end of the chapter!

We arrived to Eryrod. What mysteries will they find there?

Is Farian THAT bad? Really?

Leave your thoughts · June 8, 2020 10:00 am


Double page!!

We arrived to Eryrod, the realm of Farian and the sidhe.

Are our heroes prepared to confront the queen?

Leave your thoughts · June 1, 2020 10:00 am


Not much to say about this page. I think that at this point everyone knows that Puck has a hidden agenda. But the thing is… who’s his real master?

Leave your thoughts · May 11, 2020 10:00 am


So… that’s what happens… But you already know it, right? 😀


By the way! New book!

I haven’t put out any personal colouring books for a few years now.

I’m preparing one for MoonSlayer for my bosses and downloading it on Gumroad!

Leave your thoughts · May 4, 2020 1:00 pm


I finally got that WP problem solved! It was the most stupidest thing! 😀

So, finally, Puck and Syrma are having the conversation. OH.

I added new guest art in the gallery! 😀

Leave your thoughts · April 27, 2020 10:00 am


This page has a replica in ink of the digital lineart (and colors) I did for the Spider and the Thorn mini story. (Remember that it’s free right now! Go and download it!) I really light how it turned out and the differences with the “original” one. This is the point where the ministory starts!! 😀

Hello everyone!

How are you today! 😀

I’m ok during these self-isolation times. I hope you’re ok aswell! 😀

Here you have a new page! Guess what?? My pc RAM memory died! 🙁 And I’m not sure if I can get a new one during the pandemy restrictions! (pc is still under warranty but meh!)

Also my wacom is doing crazy and I’m so tired about this situation… 

Remember to save your files always and stay safe!!

Leave your thoughts · April 20, 2020 10:00 am


And Syrma came to add some sense… I’m still unable to use the text editor in WP 🙁

Leave your thoughts · April 13, 2020 10:00 am