New Illustration!
New Illustration in the gallery!
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Leave your thoughts · April 10, 2013 2:38 pm
New Illustration in the gallery!
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The new prologue is up! 3 new pages + 3 refurbished ones.
If you find errors in the translation, let me know! 😀
Page 4-5 from the Prologue has been updated. Soon more pages!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I had exams+work.
I’m working on a new prologue :3
A bit of spam! 🙂
More sketches by Vintereik.
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New pic in the Gallery!
A wonderful depiction of Syrma by Vintereik.
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And a Birthday gift from Isis.
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[lang_en]New guest art by Isis and Vintereik. Thanks![/lang_en][lang_es]Nuevos guestart por Isis y Vintereik. ¡Gracias![/lang_es][lang_fr]Nouveau guestart par Isis et Vintereik[/lang_fr]
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Hi! I’m currently working hard to get the MoonSlayer pages posted on Monday. But my life is now so busy so forgive me if the pages are updated more irregulary than before.
If you like to see my process you can read my Tumblr, with screen captures and photos of the latest pages and more.