Saiph & Aeria

New chibi drawings for the characters profiles. The Dragon King, Saiph, and the Goddess of Wind, Aeria.
Leave your thoughts · September 24, 2013 7:14 pm
New chibi drawings for the characters profiles. The Dragon King, Saiph, and the Goddess of Wind, Aeria.
As you know, MoonSlayer was translated by a friend of mine (a native English living here for decades), and then by you, the readers. But this friend lost contact with us so I had to do the translation of the comic to English. And gosh, I’m a literate in my mother tongue... View Article
A speed painting of Menkar that I’ve done for a FB group challenge. 1h in SAI :3
The new website is up and running! We had problems with the previous comic manager. So the comic was uploaded to a new one with a new language system and lots of new features, like a mobile version. The site is live but some sections continue unfinished, so please be... View Article
New Illustration in the gallery! [singlepic id=69 w=500 h= float=center]
The new prologue is up! 3 new pages + 3 refurbished ones. If you find errors in the translation, let me know! 😀
Page 4-5 from the Prologue has been updated. Soon more pages!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I had exams+work. I’m working on a new prologue :3
More sketches by Vintereik. [symple_column size=”one-half” position=”first”][singlepic id=60 w=320 h=320][/symple_column][symple_column size=”one-half” position=”last”][singlepic id=58 w=320 h=320][/symple_column]
[singlepic id=57 w=600 h=600 float=center] New pic in the Gallery!