Oh no…
1 Comment · September 26, 2022 10:00 am
Oh no…
Farian can say whatever she likes, but the other fairies are very interested in Menkar >:D
Holidays are over! And we’re back in business! I made some changes to previous pages and fixed some translations too 🙂
I hope you enjoy the new pages! 😀
New page today! 😀
The party begins!
We start a new chapter!
This chapter is a small calm before the storm. Will our heros be absorbed by the fairy realm and stay there forever?
Or it’s really another kind of trap?
Beware, readers!
And here we come to the end of the story. What did you think?
What do you expect in the next chapter?
Are you ready to go back to black and white?
This is my favorite page, the transformation of Alherani into what she is now.
I wanted it to look cruel but not too graphic because of the rating the anthology had. That’s why the blood looks like a long red ribbon.
I tried to give to all the pages of this story some sort of tarot feeling, something static like the the court were the action takes place.
I do really like how scary Farian looks on this one!
Who were these moths? Fairies? OMG Henna what have you done!!
If you have read carefully the story you will find a deliberate incoherence here.
So Puck killed a lot of fae in the past? Why?