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I was sick last week (and last weekend visiting ruined cities and ancient castles to get inspiration for the comic) so no MoonSlayer page today. I’ll try to get it done during the week. I’ve pencilled the following 5 pages in a row, and I’ve arrived to my fav part in the story!

Meanwhile, I brought to you a humble sketch from my moleskine of our Storyteller! The original one shines with gold and silver pigments.

This was an internal joke for VDSD, because he was the second one in the poll 😛 And it was highly inspired by this video.

Just replace Alauddin with Ignus (so funny because he’s completely opposed in personality, lol), the slave -Malik- with Puck and that woman with Fantia. Maybe I just spent many time watching it. Sorry not sorry.

Ignus Tea Party

In my canon, Ignus was the lover of the goddess of flaming love, Fantia (first one from the left)

And… about that!

Don’t forget to vote our comic in TopWebcomics! This month we have a sexy pic for VDSD!

Click on the banner to unblock the hidden picture!


Now I’m part of a new comic collective, that I helped to build, Comicadia! We’re starting, but have some great features that will be up very soon!

Leave your thoughts · February 19, 2018 10:00 am

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I’m finishing the new pages and updates will resume very soon!

I have some surprises for this year and some changes for the website, starting for the new cast section! Now you can see the first batch!


I’m really fond of this group! Deneb, Mold and Nirûr fit perfectly.

I’m planning to use them as a reward for a future KS, I’ll do a complete deck with all the Arundar and minor characters. What do you think?

2 Comments · January 3, 2018 3:57 pm

Happy Holidays!

S- Kaeso!!! It’s snowing!

M- This is a tropical island, climate change is a serious thing and… What IS that? Is it that alfar druidic herb under WE ARE supposed to…?

S- Oh, shut up and kiss me!

~~ After watching the snow falling on the website.

Happy Holidays!

Hi there! Just a quick message telling you that I’m fine. I’ve finished the treatment some weeks ago and I wanted to upload something before Xmas but I could’t. Thanks so much for your messages! We’ll return next year! This year sucked in every way possible and I hope the best for 2018!

And why this sudden hiatus?!

Apart from the evident, did you know that I said in October that my Cintiq Companion2 started having problems? Well. I’m still without a solution. +2 months without working.


I have to say you that the technical support + customers service of Wacom is the worst. Not only they didn’t repair my tablet in two occassions, but also lost some of their accesories in the proccess, tried to give me a “better” Companion with better capacity as substitute that is second hand and defective, and lied to me at phone and tried to delay all the proccess as long as they could so I could loose the warranty. I’m still waiting for a final solution.

I will never EVER buy a Wacom product again. They’re the worst. They LIE to their customers and DON’T CARE about their defficient way to handle this kind of problems. If I buy a high-end product for my work I need a tech support in the same level.

6 Comments · December 7, 2017 12:09 pm

Some news!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hey! Here reporting some news about this small hiatus. The skin cancer treatment is going well -still hurts a lot- but I hope being 100% ok next month.

This is was big dragback, since I planned to launch the 1st volume KS this month.

I have to continue preparing the next pages. Because I made some last minute changes to the script and now the chapter is longer than expected. Also my Cintiq is in Germany for repairment. I hope they could find what happens with the tablet and it arrives safe at sound at home!

Meanwhile I’m finishing some other projects, like commissions and some crafts.

Did I say that I had a BJD of Syrma? Well I sold her -yay, was so hard and still miss her face, it was with me for 5 years and was the face for Ch5- and bought another one -smaller size- so I can customize her better -I hope-. At the moment I’m making the Angisû, that are plugged into the wrists. I have to make some changes and add more details, painting… but they look promising. Also all her jewelry will be 100% lapis XD

(That moment when you realize that cosplaying your OC is so hard)

Also, I forget (planned to publish them along the next comic pages, but I couldn’t u.u

New SF members of this week:

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Adventuring: the Advanced Course

: Retired warrior Dionisia’s quiet life as a grandmother is interrupted when an old friend is in need of saving. With her past catching up to her she is about to discover just how magic left her world, and have to decide if it is worth bringing back.

Beneath the Clouds
: Genza, a exiled nobleman-turned-monk, is offered a chance to redeem himself by undertaking a perilous journey to Heian Kyo. Will Genza be prepared to confront his own demons in order to save the life of the man who exiled him, will his daughter Masako make a new life for herself in the city, and does a stranger met on the road offer a chance for a new way forward?

Hex Lovers (NSFW)
: A comedic tale of romance, depression and magic users! Follow the adventures of Blue Wizard & Hex Witch as they survive dungeons, goblins, and long term relationships! Along the way they will encounter both friend, foe and ex-boyfriends.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Thriller week! 

: In a world where human fears can take on terrifying physical shapes, a blind boy’s intense fear of Darkness becomes a danger not only to himself but everyone around him. Welcome to Bonabyl.

Little Light Asylum
: In a strange orphanage where the little monsters really are little monsters, three friends are constantly getting themselves in supernatural misadventures.

The Magpie (NSFW)
: There is no escape from Pinewood, this is the one thing Amanda knows. At least she thought she knew, until Trixie, the new girl came to town. As the rules she once believed fall apart, Amanda soon faces the truth of her town. She isn’t the only one that wants out.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Leave your thoughts · October 23, 2017 12:14 pm

New Layout!

Finally I was able to finish the new improved layout!

Please, refresh your cache and if you find a bug, report it here! 😀

No more news for the moment. It’s so hot here right now and I can barely work, but the storyboard of the rest of the chapter is done.

I’ll start very soon with the pages 🙂



Leave your thoughts · August 17, 2017 4:19 am

I’m back!

I’m planning to come back in September and I want to prepare motors with your help. I think that adding guest work and by the way featuring other comics would be great!

Guest art request!

I’m asking for anything to put on the comic section , and it could be art, guest strips, doodles, crossovers… anything that would look cool =)

In exchange for your time and effort, your comic will be featured in the description section of the comic and, when MS returns, I’ll move it to the blog and guest art section, so they won’t be removed from the site. EVER.

Syrma by Sophie Pfrötzschner


All is ready for the launching of the first MoonSlayer Sketchbook! Yay!

It will have 84 pages full of concepts and linearts. Yes! I added 4 new pages!

The digital preorder is still open! I didn’t imagine it would have so many preorders! wow! You’re still on time to get your copy! I’ll open the physical book preorder when this one finishes!


Also, the Lore section has been updated! With a new frieze of the Arundar. Now you can add colors with your mind to the different gods hinted in the comic 😀

I will continue updating the site while I’m preparing the comic. Also, be aware that:


Patrons will get the previews of the sketchbook for free from the 5+ tier, plus the Lalaii’s short comic and the comic prequel I made for the SpiderForest anthology, which was successfully funded!!

SpiderForest August applications!

If you’re interested in our awesome community, now you have the opportunity to apply!


Leave your thoughts · July 31, 2017 12:00 pm

SpiderForest Webcomic Anthology!!!

I forgot to post this before! I just finished the first part of my exams, these were some pretty crazy days!

Here you have the link to our new kickstarter!

My story is about Henna’s backstory. It happens during the next chapter of the comic and it’s done in full color!

One of the pledges includes a commission request made by yours truly. If you’d like an illustration made by me, this is the best and cheapest way to get one!

Leave your thoughts · June 26, 2017 10:44 pm

Anthology pages finished and some plans!

Well! well! I’ve investigated some prints and it’s decided: we will have a limited printed edition of the Sketchbook very soon! I’ll announce it when the webcomic returns from the hiatus =)

By the way, you can preorder the digital edition, where you can get a discount for the physical copy! 😀 This way I will know how many copies I should print and how many readers are interested! =)

A limited physical print of the Volume 1 will follow it + a regular edition!


By the way: I finished the pages for the #SpiderAnthology. It was an exhausting process but very fun, I’ve learnt a lot with it. Really.

Here you have some of the WIPs. I’ll post the pages at Patreon as soon as they’re revised =)

Leave your thoughts · June 5, 2017 7:16 pm

MoonSlayer Sketchbook I – Preorder …

Finally I opened the preorder for the first sketchbook of MoonSlayer! Check it out!

This is only the preorder for the pdf. I’m still thinking about the limited edition of physical copies. Because after that I’ll release the regular copies on Amazon.

What kind of gifts would you like with it? Signed prints? A custom sketch? Both? Write it in the comments 😀

Some pages you can find inside (Without texts)

1 Comment · May 1, 2017 3:06 pm