New fanart of Syrma by Alli Perry from Out of My Element!

And… a new cameo in What it Takes, by KEZ. Oh, don’t try to find any MS character because… it’s me. XD
Next page, tomorrow! (It’s available in advance for my Patrons) See you! =D
· February 20, 2016 4:01 pm
This year I’ve participated in the Valentine’s Day Sex Drive.
I’ve decided to paint Lalaii. I totally miss her in the comic! :3
So I did her as I’ve never draw her before: with an intentional sexy pose and a long unbraided hair, trying to seduce as the nymphs do. It’s available in high-res for my patrons.
You can see the whole pic voting the comic on TWC! (NSFW, boobie warning!) ???? Read more…
· February 14, 2016 2:00 am

Wanna be part of my awesome comic family? SpiderForest is accepting new applications in February.
I have no words for describe how wonderful, helpful and supportive this collective is. I’ve learnt a lot since I joined them, they are helping me fixing the translations, organizing conventions… Awesome, I said.
SpiderForest is an established webcomic collective run for and by independent comic creators for the purpose of community building, audience sharing, convention appearances, and personal and professional growth in comics. Applications for membership are accepted 1-2 times a year and are rigorously reviewed by all available members. For this round of admissions, applications will be accepted from February 1st-24th, 2016, and results will be privately revealed to applicants on March 7th.
Since 2004, SpiderForest has offered a particular niche for webcomic creators who seek to remain independent, but also desire to be part of a tight-knit community of knowledgeable, experienced artists, writers and self-publishers. We are not a business, but instead are run entirely on a volunteer basis with a focus on helping each other grow professionally as we all best see fit. Our public and private forums offer constructive criticism, organized convention appearances, advice for crowdfunding, art exchanges or collaborations, and more. We are seeking dedicated creators who care more about their work than making a quick buck – but are definitely a good home for the professional-level comic creator. We want to help you become the comic professional you want to be, and we greatly value those who want to bring their experiences to us.
In addition to being a free host for all members, SpiderForest also accepts members who are unaffiliated with other collectives and are independently self-hosted. You need not be independently self-hosted prior to application,but you must be willing to either create and maintain a site here at SpiderForest, or seek out hosting of your own after acceptance. Members are free to maintain as many mirror sites as they wish on free comic hosts such as Comic Fury, Tapastic, and SmackJeeves, but are required to have the SpiderForest-affiliated site at least one update ahead. The only other requirements are to regularly update your comic(s), to display the SpiderForest banner, and to assist in reviewing applications for new members.
Questions regarding membership at SpiderForest are best directed to our forums (, to our email, or to individual members regarding their experiences with us.
Aaaand! New page next Monday! 😀
· January 28, 2016 2:36 am
This week I will not update the comic. I have some health problems related to my eyes and I don’t want to force the machine, sorry. 🙁
I have pre-released the first extra chapter in my shop. It’s called “Her Last Will” and tells the last moments of the Queen Iris (yes the creator of Iric and those cute abominations). My $5+ patrons will enjoy the pages every week. Then the full .pdf will be released to everyone for a small $2+ donation. You can preorder it now.

Also, Menkar and Syrma appear in one of the latest pages of Castoff, one of the newest members of SpiderForest.

SpiderForest opens the new application season February 1st. It’s an amazing collective, check it out!

· January 12, 2016 1:07 am
This week I have no new Ch5 pages, but I finished the Ch1 remake!
With a brand new ending with a longer and detailed fight scene.

Enjoy and have a great week!
· October 14, 2015 1:09 am
Heather (dream*scar) is drawing delicious cameos with characters from SF members. You can see them in the background of the current chapter.
This week you can find Menkar and Syrma hidden in one of the panels. Awesome, isn’t it?
Now, go and read her comic! =)

· September 23, 2015 10:38 pm
No page this week, I’m sorry! ó_Ò
I’ve been working hard on Ch1 revamp and have a sort of vacations with my family. There are only 4 fages left, probably more. I’m working on a new fight scene with Menkar and the alfar in the alley, and it looks amazing so far!
Also I’m working hard on a new shiny layout for the webcomic, to celebrate 5 years of MoonSlayer!

· September 10, 2015 1:56 pm

The Spider Forest collective (the one MoonSlayer is proudly part of) is accepting applications starting August 1!!
Check it out if you wanna be part of our comic family!
· July 29, 2015 11:07 pm
Yes! We’re coming back! 😀

The double page is now up in full size for my Patrons! Enjoy! 🙂
· July 2, 2015 5:10 pm
3 new illustrations up on the gallery!
Nymph Syrma
Nymph Syrma
Please, consider to subscribe or become my patron. Every $ counts.
Thanks to your help I’ve renovated my hosting plan and bought new tools for inking the pages. If you cannot use Patreon, you have other methods to show your support! 😀
· April 7, 2015 11:52 am