
Hi all,
Sorry for being inactive, but if you read the previous post I was having a terrible time in Ireland. As some of you know, because I told in on Twitter, I was forced to return to Spain. My knee injury was far worse than expected and the school I was working for -were I was being bullied by the other teachers for being foreign- used that as an excuse to fire me, in a very shady move. So I was crippled and alone and decided that, since I was working without a signed contract, the best I could do was to return home.
And now the situation for me is unclear: I’ve lost a lot of money getting all the papers, flights and accomodation in Ireland and I don’t know what I should do.
I want to open a preorder of acrylic charms, prints and the sketchbook to gain a bit of money to cover the expenses, but I’m still unsure. I have a lot of potential material prepared but… *sigh*
Here’s a preview of the current charms designs front+back (I hope you like them!)
The next post will be a comic page, I promise!
(image: Eagle Island, Helios Edition. Aka Menkar’s Map)
· June 21, 2018 5:02 pm
Happy New Year! I’m finishing the new pages and updates will resume very soon!
I have some surprises for this year and some changes for the website, starting for the new cast section! Now you can see the first batch!

I’m really fond of this group! Deneb, Mold and Nirûr fit perfectly.

I’m planning to use them as a reward for a future KS, I’ll do a complete deck with all the Arundar and minor characters. What do you think?
· January 3, 2018 3:57 pm
I forgot to post this before! I just finished the first part of my exams, these were some pretty crazy days!
Here you have the link to our new kickstarter!
My story is about Henna’s backstory. It happens during the next chapter of the comic and it’s done in full color!
One of the pledges includes a commission request made by yours truly. If you’d like an illustration made by me, this is the best and cheapest way to get one!

· June 26, 2017 10:44 pm
Well! well! I’ve investigated some prints and it’s decided: we will have a limited printed edition of the Sketchbook very soon! I’ll announce it when the webcomic returns from the hiatus =)
By the way, you can preorder the digital edition, where you can get a discount for the physical copy! 😀 This way I will know how many copies I should print and how many readers are interested! =)
A limited physical print of the Volume 1 will follow it + a regular edition!
By the way: I finished the pages for the #SpiderAnthology. It was an exhausting process but very fun, I’ve learnt a lot with it. Really.
Here you have some of the WIPs. I’ll post the pages at Patreon as soon as they’re revised =)
· June 5, 2017 7:16 pm
Sorry for the unexpected domain expiration. Problem from my hosting ¬¬ They didn’t renovate it, even when I paid for it months ago.
ENJOY OUR NEW FORUM! – And comment your thoughts with me! 😀
Anthology News!
Well… Here you have some new images of Alherani! I’m working on her side story for the SpiderForest Anthology and it’s going smoothly.

As always, my patrons can enjoy all the making off this comic, just from 1$/mo! So if you wanna support my work, please, join us there!
I’m definitely having fun with this, experimenting with different styles and digital tools.
Sketchbook news!
Good news: The sketchbook is finished! Only waiting for the final proofing.

If you wanna participate in the proofing, plus obtaining a free digital copy + credits, please, send me an e-mail! 😀
I’ll open the preorders soon! 😀

And that’s all for now! 😀
Have a nice day!
· March 14, 2017 1:48 pm
I’ve participated in Valentine’s Day Sex Drive again this year!
I’ve decided to paint Alherani with a sexy but mysterious pose. :3
Warning! A sexy image awaits you!
I’m making a short comic in color about her andher past, and one of my unfinished watercolors shares the same concept (I hope to finish it one day)
You can see the whole pic voting the comic on TWC! ????

So yeah, vote MS and you get the whole pic for free. This way you are helping my comic to be discovered by other people!

Read more…
· February 14, 2017 12:00 pm
Some illustrations of the Witch of Henna over the years.
Did you know that Alherani had red hair in the first sketches?
Info about the sketchbook
More news about the skecthbook! I’ve finished the book layout and the pages (~78!) with more than 200 drawings, ink linearts and sketches B&W.
Only have to finish the comments about every drawing and the final cover design.
About the cover… uh. I designed it to match the future comics, with the same size (A5). But I’m very indecise about the illustration.
The first design I did was using the “Skies will cry” digital sketch. I like this one very much because this was the provisional cover of the comic, and the color scheme is perfect for the layout. The second one with my latest Syrma’s watercolor. It maybe fits better for a future artbook?
Which one is your favourite?
· September 1, 2016 4:09 pm