
VDSD 2025

Hello again! Another year passed, and maybe we don’t have fresh MoonSlayer pages, but we have a new edition of VDSD! That means we have a new spicy picture to add to our collection! The first one goes back to 2016!

I had a first idea with Iris, but my job and other issues got in the middle, so here you have Syrma + Lalaii having fun in the forest.

Click on the picture to see the full version! (Remember to vote for the comic, and hey, you’re helping us get discovered by others too!)

The list of participants for this year:

Be careful; some of them have explicit NSFW content!

Brad Guigar – Evil Inc Jaycee Knight – Bloomin’ Faeries Centcomm – Datachasers Team Lady Valiant – Lady Valiant MonicaNG – MoonSlayer Julie Devin – Monster Soup Julie Devin – Bisque Amy Letts – Epic Fail Midnight – Danger Zone One Lou Graziani – Cy-Boar Darksh1ne – Monstroniverse Adventures The Letter M – The Restless Dead Blue Dragon – Dark Horse The Jab Archives – The Jab Archives Lightfoot – Pulse Stilldown – Ariane Eldar’s Personal Place Stilldown – Theater Of The Bloody Tongue Utzsar – Rocks Holly Laing – Terra Incognita The Exiern Team – Exiern Valentines Day Sex Drive 2024 Reading Order Read Me First! (This Page Safe for Work!) The Exiern Team – Exiern (Read this page 1st after the Reading Order page! Then vote for Exiern on Top Webcomics 2nd!) The Exiern Team – Exiern: Dark Reflections (Read this page 3rd! Then vote for Exiern on Top Webcomics 4th!) The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Zen (Read this page 5th!) The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Chaos (Read this page 6th!) The Exiern Team – Exiern Extras (Read this page 7th!) The Exiern Team – Exiern v1.0 (Read this page 8th!) Hentai High – Hentai High PronQuest – Pron Quest Barry Linck – Phineus+ Magician for Hire MiraKirall – The Ace of The Spades David A Webcomic – David: A Webcomic (2024) David A Webcomic – David: A Webcomic (2025) Kawaii Kissu – Kawaii Kissu Sheryl Schopfer – Sharpclaw Sheryl Schopfer – Deer Me sidaragasum – Locked in Imagination Momoru – Mildreth of the Night Microraptor – Cryptida rulerbrain – Selling Smiles Mark Egan – Bata Neart Mark Egan – Back Office Ben Bourbon – Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub SpaceGoblin – By The Book Gojiramon – CKarrus Nick Greaves – The Great Isle of Prentil Dizzaster Juice – Offworld: The Crease Marshall Reeves – Yesterday Bound Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana John Harrington – Super Rivals Lirvilas – Grinder$ J.E. Draft – The Challenges of Zona (2024) J.E. Draft – The Challenges of Zona (2025) yellowgerbil – Zoe the Vampire Stef Marcinkowski – Sarah Zero

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Leave your thoughtsFebruary 14, 2025 2:00 pm

VDSD 2020

Hello again! Another year, another time! Here we come again with VDSD!!

If you’re new here’s the deal:

To view this year’s image you must click on this banner and vote MoonSlayer at TopWebcomics. It’s easy and free! Also my patrons have it with the initial sketch! 馃榾

This year the picture is inspired by the famous Geralt x Yennefer bathtub scene from Netflix’s The Witcher. Why I’m always portraying these two bathing? Mistery unsolved…

And HERE are last year’s entries!

EDIT: Complete entry!

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7 CommentsFebruary 14, 2020 11:00 am

Hiatus resume

Hi all,

Sorry for being inactive, but if you read the previous post I was having a terrible time in Ireland. As some of you know, because I told in on Twitter, I was forced to return to Spain. My knee injury was far worse than expected and the school I was working for -were I was being bullied by the other teachers for being foreign- used that as an excuse to fire me, in a very shady move. So I was crippled and alone and decided that, since I was working without a signed contract, the best I could do was to return home.

And now the situation for me is unclear: I’ve lost a lot of money getting all the papers, flights and accomodation in Ireland and I don’t know what I should do.

I want to open a preorder of acrylic charms, prints and the sketchbook to gain a bit of money to cover the expenses, but I’m still unsure. I have a lot of potential material prepared but… *sigh*

Here’s a preview of the current charms designs front+back (I hope you like them!)

The next post will be a comic page, I promise!

(image: Eagle Island, Helios Edition. Aka Menkar’s Map)

Leave your thoughtsJune 21, 2018 5:02 pm

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!聽I’m finishing the new pages and updates will resume very soon!

I have some surprises for this year and some changes for the website, starting for the new cast section! Now you can see the first batch!

I’m really fond of this group! Deneb, Mold and Nir没r fit perfectly.

I’m planning to use them as a reward for a future KS, I’ll do a complete deck with all the Arundar and minor characters. What do you think?

2 CommentsJanuary 3, 2018 3:57 pm

Some news!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hey! Here reporting some news about this small hiatus. The skin cancer treatment is going well -still hurts a lot- but I hope being 100% ok next month.

This is was big dragback, since I planned to launch the 1st volume KS this month.

I have to continue preparing the next pages. Because I made some last minute changes to the script and now the chapter is longer than expected. Also my Cintiq is in Germany for repairment. I hope they could find what happens with the tablet and it arrives safe at sound at home!

Meanwhile I’m finishing some other projects, like commissions and some crafts.

Did I say that I had a BJD of Syrma? Well I sold her -yay, was so hard and still miss her face, it was with me for 5 years and was the face for Ch5- and bought another one -smaller size- so I can customize her better -I hope-. At the moment I’m making the Angis没, that are plugged into the wrists. I have to make some changes and add more details, painting… but they look promising. Also all her jewelry will be 100% lapis XD

(That moment when you realize that cosplaying your OC is so hard)

Also, I forget (planned to publish them along the next comic pages, but I couldn’t u.u

New SF members of this week:

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Adventuring: the Advanced Course

: Retired warrior Dionisia鈥檚 quiet life as a grandmother is interrupted when an old friend is in need of saving. With her past catching up to her she is about to discover just how magic left her world, and have to decide if it is worth bringing back.

Beneath the Clouds
: Genza, a exiled nobleman-turned-monk, is offered a chance to redeem himself by undertaking a perilous journey to Heian Kyo. Will Genza be prepared to confront his own demons in order to save the life of the man who exiled him, will his daughter Masako make a new life for herself in the city, and does a stranger met on the road offer a chance for a new way forward?

Hex Lovers (NSFW)
: A comedic tale of romance, depression and magic users! Follow the adventures of Blue Wizard & Hex Witch as they survive dungeons, goblins, and long term relationships! Along the way they will encounter both friend, foe and ex-boyfriends.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Thriller week!聽

: In a world where human fears can take on terrifying physical shapes, a blind boy鈥檚 intense fear of Darkness becomes a danger not only to himself but everyone around him. Welcome to Bonabyl.

Little Light Asylum
: In a strange orphanage where the little monsters really are little monsters, three friends are constantly getting themselves in supernatural misadventures.

The Magpie (NSFW)
: There is no escape from Pinewood, this is the one thing Amanda knows. At least she thought she knew, until Trixie, the new girl came to town. As the rules she once believed fall apart, Amanda soon faces the truth of her town. She isn鈥檛 the only one that wants out.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Leave your thoughtsOctober 23, 2017 12:14 pm

Epic fight… in depth

Epic Fight!

Here is the聽illustration I made for My Hero! comic, with the epic fight of Menkar vs The Lark.

Hassera and Syrma are enjoying the read! And 聽here’s a hidden detail in exclusive =P (No, really, I was upset for covering this XD)

Epic Fight! (detail)

2 CommentsFebruary 20, 2017 4:40 pm

Syrma sketch + more book news!

Hi everyone!

Today is no-update day again (sorry, exams!) But I’m working on the next 4 pages. Hmm… maybe I should do some sort of MS-bomb when I finish them?

Meanwhile, here you have a new Syrma sketch!

When I have time I like to try new materials and I always wanted to test this style with brown paper.



Note that I’m open to receive fanart for my non-updating weeks!

You’ll be featured on the latest comic page the whole week! 馃榾

MS Vol1 Color Proof!

Also I’ve received a color proof of the first volume. This makes me wonder how great it would look if I ever do a KS for MoonSlayer. Because I’d go fullcolor with it.

But for the moment I’ll stick with the B&W version. The grayscale pages look wonderful this way. And the color pages are ok! I have to investigate now the B&W + Special pages in color. I’ve found a printer with that option 馃榾

–Inserts some photo of the book here when the phone camera is repaired–

EDIT: Well, you got a video! Note: The book will not include the Ch5, this was only used as a test print! 馃榾

Leave your thoughtsJanuary 23, 2017 1:19 pm

5 years of MoonSlayer II (+ sketchbook i …

Some illustrations of the Witch of Henna over the years.
Did you know that Alherani had red hair in the first sketches?

Info about the sketchbook

More news about the skecthbook! I’ve finished the book layout and the pages (~78!) with more than 200 drawings, ink linearts and sketches B&W.
Only have to finish the comments about聽every drawing and the final cover design.
About the cover… uh. I designed it to match the future comics, with the same size (A5). But I’m very indecise about the illustration.
The first design I did was using the “Skies will cry”聽digital sketch. I like this one very much because this was the provisional cover of the comic, and the color scheme is perfect for the layout. The second one with my latest Syrma’s watercolor. It maybe fits better for a future artbook?
The Skies Will CrySyrma - Watercolor 2016
Which one is your favourite?

Leave your thoughtsSeptember 1, 2016 4:09 pm

5 years of MoonSlayer

Recently Facebook reminded me that I’ve been working on MoonSlayer 5 years! It’s time to celebrate, isn’t it?

All those hours of sacrifice, sweat, ink and tears…

We’ll have some suprises every week! 馃檪

Today you’ll see some steps from Syrma’s evolution. Did she change so much?



2 CommentsAugust 25, 2016 11:58 pm