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Finally I got a bit of time to work on my part of the SpiderForest traveling sketchbook. Such an amazing project!
Made with brush markers, chinese ink (lines and first wash in greys) and Sakura markers (greys) over a mechanical pencil sketch. This one could be considered my last #Inktober of this year.
Visit SpiderForest, the comic collective which MoonSlayer belongs to.
Comic review
MoonSlayer was reviewed by the lovely cast of the comic My Hero. Check it out!
I only have to say to Lark that my Elven-to-Common translation skills are improving, but my Elven is nearly perfect :_D Also that Syrma wants to punch him in the face XD While Menkar suggested a duel with bare hands.
And I hope to please Hasera in the current chapter. I’ll try to do my best.
· November 7, 2016 4:28 pm
New illustrations for the lore section of the website! I made the linearts during Inktober, trying to imitate classic friezes.

These are the old ones. I think I’ve improved a bit, didn’t I?

Now I only have to finish the Arundar frieze. But that one will be a bit different!
Do you like them? I’m planning to turn them into a set of prints 🙂
Remember, tomorrow we’ll have a new comic page! 🙂
· October 30, 2016 4:39 pm
I made a MS Halloween pic for the very first time!
Can you guess all the small hints and references to the comic?
Why they dressed like that? 😀
Vote right now to see the full pic! 😀 (And you will help MS to be more visible!)

· October 24, 2016 12:50 pm
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you love coloring books?
If your answer is yes or you collect sketchbooks or artbooks this is for you! 😀
SpiderForest Webcomic Coloring Book!
An adult coloring book packed with high-quality lineart drawn by the amazing artists of the SpiderForest Webcomic Collective!

This Kickstarter is to fund an offset print run of our first coloring book! We’ve collected greyscale lineart from over 20 comic artists in the SpiderForest community.
- Page count: 22 illustrations (or more, if we hit our stretch goals!)
- Size: 8 inches by 10.5 inches
- Binding: Saddle-stitched
- Paper: 70lb matte (colored pencil and marker friendly)
We have some great strech goals, also you can commission some art done by me.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”SpiderForest Coloring Book Kickstarter” style=”3d” color=”violet” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”||target:%20_blank”][/vc_column][/vc_row]
· October 4, 2016 6:00 pm
Yes. I have to start studying again for the public examinations to apply for a teaching job. That’s my life since I finished my studies.
But this is not a hiatus.
I had put this comic on hiatus before, a whole year, and that was bad for me and for the comic. I had to completely start over and regain my readership.
So this time I’d do a completely different thing. I’ll update the comic once per two weeks (two times per month) or I’ll will try it.
I started a different method to work on the comic. Instead of doing each page separately (draft, sketching, inking, post-process, toning, lettering) one by one, I’ll do that by scene. So I’ll work a bunch of 4-5 pages at the same time.
I did that with the end of chapter 5 and the process was a lot quicker! I have less hours to work on the comic, and I have to finish other projects too, but I don’t plan to abandon MoonSlayer a whole year again!
So please, add the comic to your favourite RSS reader or follow me on your social media of choice. New pages are always announced there!
As always, my Patrons will receive all the pages in advance! 🙂
· September 19, 2016 12:00 pm
We’re back! This time with our favourite bodyguard, former marshal and dragon without honor: Kaeso Cetus Menkar!

Menkar is one of the characters who suffered more changes from the beginning.
These are two of the first sketches I did of him, inspired by Rome tv series Titus Pullo. I have more awful sketches. Just wait for my sketchbook XD

I adore this series.

But I also used for the early drawings references from Spartacus. Yes. =3 Because, you know, Andy was awesome. The perfect Menkar.

Later I decided that he would have long hair and beard (so barbarian!), and definitely he had to wear a different kind of clothes!
So he became this, with different face features, a good tunic and a wonderful wind sword!

And I’m so happy for that.
· September 8, 2016 5:04 pm
Some illustrations of the Witch of Henna over the years.
Did you know that Alherani had red hair in the first sketches?
Info about the sketchbook
More news about the skecthbook! I’ve finished the book layout and the pages (~78!) with more than 200 drawings, ink linearts and sketches B&W.
Only have to finish the comments about every drawing and the final cover design.
About the cover… uh. I designed it to match the future comics, with the same size (A5). But I’m very indecise about the illustration.
The first design I did was using the “Skies will cry” digital sketch. I like this one very much because this was the provisional cover of the comic, and the color scheme is perfect for the layout. The second one with my latest Syrma’s watercolor. It maybe fits better for a future artbook?
Which one is your favourite?
· September 1, 2016 4:09 pm
Recently Facebook reminded me that I’ve been working on MoonSlayer 5 years! It’s time to celebrate, isn’t it?
All those hours of sacrifice, sweat, ink and tears…
We’ll have some suprises every week! 🙂
Today you’ll see some steps from Syrma’s evolution. Did she change so much?

· August 25, 2016 11:58 pm
No page this week! I’m having a wonderful summer holidays! In the meantime, I’ve finished this watercolor of Syrma. And below you have the complete process videos (real time: +6h + drying)

· July 18, 2016 1:39 pm
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hi! Just a quick note! I’m working on the next pages of the comic (the last ones of chapter 5!), the extras of the first volume of the comic, aaand~~ A beautiful sketchbook with all the art and concepts of the comic (to date).
We’ll have a new page next week, but probably not on Monday.
But! I have a nice treat for you in return! The preview of the next chapter cover!
You can see it voting at TOPWEBCOMICS!
[/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”success” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-sun-o”]The updates would be a bit slower in summer. So please, add MoonSlayer to your favourite RSS reader to get the latest news![/vc_message][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” style=”round” message_box_color=”orange”]The new cover (and chapter name) is now available for my Patrons![/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]
· June 20, 2016 12:20 am