So… I joined Patreon. I really need your help for continue and finish the comic. And publish it someday 🙂
Leave your thoughts · February 25, 2014 7:49 pm
So… I joined Patreon. I really need your help for continue and finish the comic. And publish it someday 🙂
I started a new game in tumblr! ASK me about MoonSlayer and you will get an answer with a drawing of your question 😀 The characters will answer you or explain things about the world, plot, whatever.
Have fun!
The Arundars from Tirnanog, wish you a Happy Holidays!
Ignus Tea Party
I participate this year with MoonSlayer in Comic Creators for Freedom, a project that reunites comic authors to fight against Human Trafficking. The theme this year is awkward school photos. The donations drive is now live 😀
From now on, MoonSlayer frames will be in grayscale. I’ve thought a lot and I think is best. No more manga screentones.
The next page and then all the chapters gradually will change to graytones.
I’m still doing tests but generally the details are more noticeable (and I’m tired of inking traditionally for hide all with the screentones).
Also I’ll take the opportunity to redraw and correct the first chapter. And… half of the prologue will be in COLOR.
New chibis for character profiles. This time Felisanna, Syrma’s mother, and Iris, a character who will play a very important role later. 🙂
New chibi drawings for the characters profiles. The Dragon King, Saiph, and the Goddess of Wind, Aeria.
As you know, MoonSlayer was translated by a friend of mine (a native English living here for decades), and then by you, the readers. But this friend lost contact with us so I had to do the translation of the comic to English. And gosh, I’m a literate in my mother tongue but I have a very basic English (B1 exactly). So I need your help.
The comic is currently corrected by the readers until the CH2, but if you find typos or grammar errors, let me know.
[symple_box color=”blue” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]Wanna be a MoonSlayer proofreader?
That’s all. You can email me at the contact page. 😀
Thanks for reading.
A speed painting of Menkar that I’ve done for a FB group challenge. 1h in SAI :3
The new website is up and running!
We had problems with the previous comic manager. So the comic was uploaded to a new one with a new language system and lots of new features, like a mobile version.
The site is live but some sections continue unfinished, so please be patient! 😀
A new page is posted and new pages are coming next week!
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