You will need a witch.
1 Comment · August 13, 2014 8:26 pm
You will need a witch.
😀 New page! I used the Webcomics Tarot illustration of Iris! 😀
It’s so hot here 😀 I hate Summer 🙂
Then… come if you dare!
Syrma is really pissed off.
From now until the end of Agust the updates will be more irregular (I’ll try to update on Mondays but sometimes it would take a day longer), the summer is very hot here so I’ll be drawing the comic during the night 🙂
The God of Mischief, a fire spirit. Loves to take fox form. This is his Sidhe appearance. Hello, Puck.
Henna and Menkar. Looks that kill…
Menkar uses his wink, not bling (teleport) to find Syrma…
Henna is trying to break Syrma’s determination…