This page has a replica in ink of the digital lineart (and colors) I did for the Spider and the Thorn mini story. (Remember that it’s free right now! Go and download it!) I really light how it turned out and the differences with the “original” one. This is the point where the ministory starts!! 😀
Hello everyone!
How are you today! 😀
I’m ok during these self-isolation times. I hope you’re ok aswell! 😀
Here you have a new page! Guess what?? My pc RAM memory died! 🙁 And I’m not sure if I can get a new one during the pandemy restrictions! (pc is still under warranty but meh!)
Also my wacom is doing crazy and I’m so tired about this situation…
Remember to save your files always and stay safe!!
· April 20, 2020 10:00 am
And Syrma came to add some sense… I’m still unable to use the text editor in WP 🙁
· April 13, 2020 10:00 am
I’m having trouble with the last WP update 🙁 I cannot see the WYSIWYG editor 🙁
but hey! Here you have a new page! finally!
And remember: the mini story, the Spider and the Thorn, is free (pay as you want 0+) on Gumroad so you can enjoy it during quarantine! Read Henna’s backstory and know the characters of the comic of the next chapter!
· April 6, 2020 7:30 pm
Quick update!
Hi everyone! Long time no see!
I’m ok, but all this situation here in Spain is a bit overwhelming.
Also I had problems with my hosting, A REAL ORDEAL, and the webpage was down for a few days last week.
I have the rest of the chapter pencilled and I’m now inking pages little by little.
As always on Patreon you have the pages without balloons (top notch material, lol) and now, as special deal during self-isolation days, I’ve updated my Ko-fi now offering free sketches x3 coffees!
Also the mini story, the Spider and the Thorn, is free (pay as you want 0+) on Gumroad so you can enjoy it during quarantine! Read Henna’s backstory and know the characters of the comic of the next chapter!
· March 23, 2020 5:59 pm
OMG who’s there???!!!
Also, did you see our contribution to this year’s VDSD?

· February 17, 2020 10:00 am
Hi everyone!
As some of you could have seen on my Instagram, I’ve finished my new studio (and moving) to my new home. And I’m so glad I’m back! (Sorry that the page is not that “fun”, heh!)
You already know that the past years had been shit for me, and the stuff from last year was too much for me. But hey! Here I’m now! 😀
And more pages to come next week!
· February 10, 2020 10:00 am
Today is my birthday! Happy Bday to me!! 🙂
· November 4, 2019 10:00 am
Aaand we return to these two! 😀 But… Who’s talking to Syrma now? Why nowww??
· October 28, 2019 10:00 am
Sorry for the unexpected hiatus. I had an emergency appendix surgery two weeks ago and until now I haven’t been capable of sit in front of a computer (and for a very limited amount of time).
Here we have the next page! Look how Syrma kisses the tears!
Anddd now the night again. I love/hate this time of the day, it’s a challege for printing!
I hope you enjoy the rest of the chapter 🙂
· October 7, 2019 10:00 am