

We have to admit it, this is the clumsiest love confession of the history of webcomics.

But we also have to admit that most of us would love to have a loyal dragon like him at our service.

Also, guest art time!

A lovely Alheani guestart from Sophie from Souls’s Journey I won in her twitter raffle. (click to view it in full size!)

You may wonder what happened with Puck and Henna. You’ll know in the next pages!

Leave your thoughts · September 9, 2019 10:00 am


I’m back with more pages inked, more MoonSlayer and my favourite scenes!

I’m been a bit buse looking for a flat and watching Dark Crystal. Have you seen the series? I loved it and Deet!!

I’ve also been hooked on some Korean dramas, like The Rookie Historian. I’m having a blast, but I can’t stop looking at the screen u.u

Leave your thoughts · September 2, 2019 9:45 pm


But let’s see, let’s see, so Syrma wasn’t really named like that? Those of you who have read the short story about Menkar’s past will surely know it already, won’t you?

I want to thank you for the comments you are writing me on each and every page, especially Jeanne24 in Spanish and Meran Ni Cuill in English. Thank you so so very much!

Leave your thoughts · August 12, 2019 7:05 pm


Does she give his promise as fulfilled? Does Syrma really know what that means to Menkar?

1 Comment · August 5, 2019 10:00 am


Sorry for the bad words, this is not a PG+13 comic anymore 😛

And! If you’ve been wondering why Menkar cannot lie, check this new article about the stone of the Grey Dragons! The sacramentum or oathstone!

Leave your thoughts · July 22, 2019 10:00 am


Whaat? Complicated? Why? Please, Kaeso, say something!


Also… you have a new voting incentive on TWC! Vote to unlock it! 😀

Leave your thoughts · July 8, 2019 10:00 am